Because of their relevance through all phases of life, Women Alone Together focuses on the three categories to the right for our educational events.
Each seminar offers substantive information presented by a credentialed expert – often a successful woman – objectively and without any aspect of business solicitation. These presentations focus on the positive and offer a fun learning atmosphere. Our members learn to “know what they don’t know;” decide when they should consider expert or outside help; and gain the confidence necessary to meet the future with happiness and excitement. Knowledge is power, and it helps our members to LEAD their lives in every sense of that word.

Gain confidence in your financial future and security in the knowledge that your legal affairs are in order. Ensure that all of your planning remains current through changes in the law and fluctuations in the economy.
Break the dangerous habits of worrying more about the health of others than your own and of visiting the doctor only when you are ill. Take control of your health with the latest trends and research in women’s vitality and healthcare.
Change – whether it involves the loss of a loved one, becoming single again, occupational crossroads, or the other ups and downs of life – can be spiritually and emotionally crippling. Let the knowledge and experience of counselors, mental health experts, and other women who have navigated the same challenges you are facing help you to stay on (or regain) your truest, best, and happiest path.
Our Women Alone Together Book Group meets once a month on the second Thursday beginning in September and continuing through the school year. We do not meet in December or the summer months of June, July and August.
Meetings are held at the Colonnade Restaurant at 1879 Cheshire Bridge Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia, from 6:00 PM until approximately 9:00 PM.
Each attendee pays in advance for her meal at a cost of approximately $27.00 to $30.00 which includes tax and gratuity.
Following our meal together, discussion of the book will be led by the author, a professor, teacher or group member. Members select books in advance which include fiction, non-fiction, best-sellers, classics – any worthy book thought appropriate by members.
Anyone who enjoys reading is invited to these interesting, lively discussions.
We present several seminars a year from one of our three focus areas:
1) Health/Wellness
2) Legal/Financial
3) Emotional/Personal Growth.
Experts from these various fields are invited to present the programs which are usually held on the Agnes Scott Campus in Decatur or in the Club Room at 2660 Peachtree Rd. NW, in Buckhead.
A small fee of $15.00 or $20.00 will be charged to help pay our speakers and cover cost of refreshments. Occasionally, we will have a covered dish luncheon in conjunction with these seminars when participants bring a dish to share.
Anyone interested in these important topics is invited.
We also have gatherings of special interest to our members such as plays, field trips and other such excursions. Arrangements will be made in advance and minimal fees charged to cover costs of tickets and other expenses. These events add to our knowledge but also help to develop community and camaraderie among our members.